Change How We See Retirement

by Michael Feeley
The only words I can think of to replace or retire the word retire (because it does not describe you) are:
Revitalize because people and their skills – life experiences – credentials – talents – gifts – abilities – and lifelong desire to learn and grow – are actively relevant to others and the world.
Many sages (seniors) are not yet ready to draw back, take leave of their work, and quit a job for good at age 62, 66, 74, or even 80.
The status quo of retirement and the system around aging doesn’t fit their life needs and wants. They have options, many new plans, encores, and adventures they seek and dream about because there is still vital value in their maturity.
*Age-Friendly companies and flexible jobs are real opportunities more now than ever before.
*Opportunity Equity is where all employees have equal access to employment, advancement, and development opportunities regardless of age, gender, race, or other factors.
*Multigenerational Workforce is a new frontier that wise companies are creating and warmly embracing because they honor and value the experience of mature people. Mature workers are their advantage and asset.
– There is less turnover
– Higher productivity
– Excellent problem-solving skills
– Genuine, successful care and experience with customer service
– Strong work ethic
– Commitment and consistency in showing up and producing
– Empathy for people in and outside of the office
This is a fact. There is an aging global workforce – a talent pool of mature human beings – that must, should, and can be newly valued. Let’s continue to change the status quo of aging and retirement. Create new mind sets. Have a change of heart with new intentions, tactics, and strategy for aging.
We are all in the system of aging. Let’s make it a beneficial and kind culture with dignity.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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This also matters – Modern Elders Play.