Celebrate Commitment

by Michael Feeley
THREE YEARS AGO today, I started a Daily Practice of writing and publishing my thoughts and life experiences.
(I post Daily on LinkedIn and my life coaching website.)
I wanted to express myself – share my knowledge – connect with others and hopefully assist people to live better,
happier lives.
Today is Daily #1095, and it’s a celebration of commitment – my choice to show up Daily – consistently with a piece of writing.
I love creating Dailies.
I’m proud and grateful for my commitment, and I thank many people for their encouragement and support of my work.
I specifically thank Seth Godin, who inspired and challenged me to create a Daily Practice and showed me how to do it.
What a journey and life changing opportunity it is!
Onward I go with love and learning.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
Please share my Daily with your tribes.
This is also important – Celebrate.