Caring and Generosity

by Michael Feeley
WHEN WE DO work for people, focusing on creating something that benefits someone and changes them for the better,
we are happy to dig in and work.
Teaching yoga – setting up a website – writing a testimonial – helping someone learn a new job – raising a child.
All these things are opportunities for you to be generous because you choose to be – you decide to care.
Caring is concern and kindness.
Generosity is friendly, giving more thought and time than is usual or expected.
Both choices feel good.
Both choices have a positive impact on others.
Both seem to be the same thing – holding and caressing each other’s hands.
Sometimes caring and generosity can be tedious, repetitive, time-consuming, even a bit of a creative drudge but
caring and generosity change all that into compassion and feeling proud of the work you do for others.
It’s not about pleasing yourself and getting praise. The commitment to other people’s well-being is the driving, unselfish, loving force.
Caring and generosity are skills and processes you can practice and get really good at.
You can become a Master of Caring and Generosity because they are worth doing. Worth sharing.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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