Be Proud of Your Work

by Michael Feeley
When you strike out in baseball you may get another chance to make a hit that same day or another time but only
if you want to keep playing the game. It’s not your biggest failure to strike out.
Your biggest failure is the idea still sitting in your head.
The unfinished project.
Creativity put on hold.
Art not attempted because you didn’t have the guts to do these things. You didn’t stand up for yourself or your work.
Don’t buy into thinking you are not talented enough. Not good enough.
You don’t need anyone’s permission to move ahead and succeed. To publish – to ship your products – to offer top services – to say what’s on your mind – to care and help other people be the best they can be and make some important, needed change.
The cynic says why try. Nothing will work and nothing will change.
The innovative person says – “I got to try! I’m in the game. This is my dream and I intend to make things better.” – and they move ahead with excitement, hope and gratitude. They get results.
“Here! I made this for you.”
What a choice! What an opportunity. Go and make some magic and be proud of your work.
Thanks – Michael
Please send this on to your tribe and promote job pride in everyone!
Take a look at this also – Practice Living.