Aiming High

by Michael Feeley
AIMING HIGH doesn’t necessarily mean going after acquiring more.
It can mean maintaining what you already have in your life, including your work – keeping standards for your products and services while working to improve them.
Standards are choices. They include core principles of personal and organizational integrity. You can keep things average and generic or strive for excellence and surpass expectations.
Aiming high sets achievable goals. You know your purpose and reason for doing what you do, and you can get to where you want without stress and disappointment, even while the journey has all kinds of cures, ups, and downs.
Sometimes, we get trapped thinking if we have this and that and this, we’re successful according to what appears to be socially successful.
Coaching encourages a person to assess what they already have, understand what might be missing, and decide if attaining the missing elements will make life better for you and others personally and professionally.
Coaching asks – How do you define success for yourself?
Aiming high is a choice; you might miss your goal, but I think it’s better than aiming low and hitting that goal.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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This also matters – What Do You Want?