A Better World

by Michael Feeley
HOW CAN YOU create a better world?
Yes. You can create a better world.
What does it mean to you?
Begin with yourself. Where can you make changes to improve yourself?
How does your work create change for other people and the world, and where could you do more?
Everything you do creates some kind of change, making a difference, both positive and negative.
Study who you are, how you live and work and see the choices and changes you create.
How do your connections to friends, family, colleagues at work, and even strangers make for change, and where can you talk with others and join together to make the world a better place – one step at a time?
A Better World.
Three mighty appealing words.
It’s possible with you.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
Please share my Daily with your tribes.
This is key also – What’s Your View of the World.