8 Life Principles I Live By

by Michael Feeley
1. Live with gratitude. Thanks – Happiness – Appreciation – Liking – Loving.
2. You always have a choice. If you want change – make a choice – commit to the change – take action and start.
3. Integrity. Live one way. Be true to your beliefs and core values, no matter where or what you do. Never sell yourself out.
4. Know yourself. Take time to discover the meaning of your life. Look at every event you have lived with and understand why it happened. Know the facts and the truth about who you are – I AM.
5. Trust your Self.
6. Know what you want. Ask for it with confidence and respect.
7. Decide when to stop, how to walk away from toxic people and situations, sunk costs, and try something new. A dead end is just that. Back up, turn around, and go in a better direction.
8. Live your life full out. You get one chance to live your best life. There are no reruns. No returns. Do nothing mediocre.
No copying. Make your unique life count.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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This also matters – Don’t Play with Integrity.