Your Worth

by Michael Feeley
What makes you worth it?
What is your worth as a human being and in your relationships with your partner, family, friends, and strangers?
What is your worth at work and the projects you’re involved with?
Your inner bully lets you know in various ways that you are not worthy but always worthless.
It’s a despicable lie.
You can instantly counter your internal self-bullying by telling the truth about yourself and what you do.
Truth and the facts about your worth, your real value in this world and to others, are the mirror image, the reverse of the feelings of unworthiness.
Understanding and truth always kick that insidious inside bully and his hurtful criticism to the curb.
Proudly lead with the answers to these two questions:
What is my worth in this world?
Why am I worth it?
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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This is also important – Skills and Values.