Your Truth, Facts, Destiny

by Michael Feeley
THE TRUTH AND facts about you will lead you to your destiny, and by destiny, I mean the purpose of your life – why you are here – what you are meant to do here on earth.
All you have to do is discover your truth and live the facts of who you are.
The facts of your life – the things you do well – will guide you directly to your destiny.
Follow your hopes – dreams – passions – commitments – likes – loves – skills – creativity – for they are your road map for life. Use all of them to live your best life—the life you were born to live.
Your truth, your facts, will never let you down.
Go after what you want. Don’t get sidetracked or discouraged. Oppose resistance and all the naysayers.
Trust yourself and trust the universe.
The universe is always working on your happiness and success.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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