Your Inner Genius is Real

by Michael Feeley
WE EACH HAVE an inner genius. It’s as real as the fact we need air to live.
Inner genius goes beyond the traditional belief of IQ. It’s your unique potential, exceptional creative abilities, talents, skills, attitudes, choices, life experience, knowledge, imaginative thinking, and expression for nearly any situation.
“Consider that all human beings have within them the same essence of consciousness and that the process of creativity and inner genius are attributes of human consciousness. Therefore, genius is a potential that lives within you and every other human being”. – Dr. David R. Hawkins.
I think we each can name our uniqueness, inner genius, and not let resistance; our inner heckler knock it down like a bully tries to do when intimidating other people.
Study your inner genius.
Get to know your inner genius.
Care for your inner genius.
Ask your best critics to tell you what they know about your genius because you have something incredibly vital to offer.
> What does your instinct tell you your inner genius is?
> How will your inner genius help you live as your best self?
> If you let your inner genius run you, what will happen?
> How will you share your genius with other people and the world?
> What kind of changes will your inner genius create?
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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