Your Choice for Change

by Michael Feeley
I CAN COACH through jackhammers.
I’m renovating my home, and every day jackhammers are breaking up concrete walls and old tile floors, and I’m still coaching away. (Thank goodness for the mute button on Zoom calls.)
The work I do as a Life + Career + Change Coach is about renovation – the choice to change something in your life because you want to be happier.
Change is challenging and exciting, and requires breaking up blocks that limit you from living the life you want.
Emotional jackhammers, as well as some inner peace and reflection, are needed.
As I open up my home, I’m also making space for new things in myself.
The remodeling work is something I want, so the dust, noise, and inconvenience to have better views, more living space, and an office where I can build my daily practice of writing, real estate, and coaching is thrilling.
You have to want change and commit to do the hard and essential work to transform your life even when it’s damn uncomfortable.
Once the change happens, you’ll live with greater joy and gratitude – feeling more at home in yourself and the outside world around you.
Thanks – Michael
Please send out this post and see what change it will create.
This may also hook you – Change Blocks into Stepping Stones.