You Only Need One Word

by Michael Feeley
You have all kinds of skills. They give your life value. Knowing your skills and how they benefit your work makes you a winner. They are the crucial assets you hold and offer clients and the people you work with to solve problems and make their lives happy and prosperous.
If you’re looking for a new job or making a career change, you’ll be asked in an interview, “Why should I hire you out of all the other candidates I’m meeting?”
One word is all you need. It might be – care. “I care about my work. I care about the people I work with and the people I serve. I care enough to show up daily and do a superb job, exceeding expectations.”
Other one-word accolades might be – service, reliability, trust, loyalty, innovation, empathy, honesty, storytelling, multitasking, and integrity.
This also applies to your choice to work for yourself and lead with your greatest strength.
I’ve coached hundreds of people in their careers to discover this one-word gem by doing this simple, deep, and fun exercise.
– Sit down with a pen and pad of paper and write 300-500 words describing the reasons why a person or company should hire you. (Writing it down makes it tangible and permanent.)
– Then, edit it down to two solid sentences.
– Then, mold it into one simple, well-refined sentence.
– And finally, select one heartfelt word.
This is your unique ability—your special gift – your personal package. You do this better than anyone on the face of the earth. Knowing this fact (and the details of why) gives you freedom, confidence, power, connection, joy, and gratitude.
Remember, you also created many other words and sentences to achieve this shining, standout skill, which will keep you talking and impress your interviewer.
I repeat—know your skills so you can create and meet opportunities to do work you love, to be richly expressed, exceptionally happy, and highly useful to others.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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This also matters – Un-Limit Yourself.