You Matter

by Michael Feeley
Ask for what you want.
Make it count.
Speak up.
Take a chance because you have something to contribute with your life experience and work.
Use your foundation blocks, which are your creative desires – your core values – your skills – your logic and emotions –
your gut instincts – to stand tall and firm to produce something and put it out into the world because you know your work matters and you hope to have a good effect on other people.
You can sit still and Hold – and Hold – and Hold – because “Your call is important to us.” Using hardly any effort.
Maybe feeling nothing, complaining a bit, getting irritated and angry.
It’s that famous game called “Hide and Waste” – you’re in hiding, wasting your time. Not figuring out and doing
what you were put on this earth to do.
You can make a choice to do something, then commit to a direction and take specific action steps to get where you want; working at a job – a craft – a skill – making a product – helping other people live good lives.
I’m encouraging you to take action and get off hold + create + serve + teach + lead + believe in your self because
either you and your special work matter or they do not.
That is your choice.
Thanks – Michael
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