You Have Two Selves – Two Life Choices

by Michael Feeley
WHAT ECONOMY are you running on?
You have a large, whole self that thrives on liking and praising the world. You choose to respect other people and things. You have gratitude, kindness, goodwill, care, generosity.
You also have a small, narrow self that runs on low, negative energy steeped in resentment, meanness, contempt, revenge, viciousness.
I’m talking about your personal choices for building up or tearing down – anabolic and catabolic.
Your decisions affect your work and the people around you – employees and customers.
You can be kind, or you can be a bully. You can troll about on social media, or your words and actions can positively affect people.
You can gossip over liquid lunches, hatefully try to ruin people, or change your purpose and help people – hope and work at having good things happen to others.
We could be heading into WW III – World War Three.
At least 26,083 Palestinians have been killed in Gaza, 64,487 wounded by Israeli forces, and 10,000 have been children. Horrifying, heart-wrenching facts.
How does that stack up against petty meanness between two people?
Help or Harm? There’s a choice to think about.
Self-pride or shame in your words and actions in your relationships, family, friends, colleagues, strangers you don’t know.
Two selves.
Two life choices.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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This also matters – Dis-Respect.