You Create What and Why?

by Michael Feeley
WHEN YOU CREATE, you create a space, a place, and the space you create is not just about you. You are not alone. Feelings, ideas, moments, time, images, words, and actions are with you.
You put in work when you create – loving, inspiring, and challenging daily work. Daily doesn’t seem to cover it. Consistent – consistently creating does—pure, rough, raw, tender, exciting, ordinary, and extra-ordinary work, with your mind and heart.
With creativity (and I have learned that we are all creative), you should and must ask – what is the lesson to learn here?
What is the purpose of what I am creating?
What’s it for?
Who’s it for?
Because – creativity is always bigger than you, creating some change. Good or not good.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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This is useful too – You Were Born Creative.