You Are Change

by Michael Feeley
When you want to change something, you can begin making change at any time. The challenge is to stick with change.
Repeat it. Not give up or give in but to keep moving forward.
- First choose change
- Then commit to change
- Then practice the change you want
- Then live with the process of change
You can do it. You are that smart and that strong about making changes.
Change is the alternative to sitting still. Doing nothing. Playing it safe. Hiding. Denial.
Do you really think doing that is comfortable?
Practicing change makes for results. As soon as you try change, change begins and it starts to become a new habit.
Part of the new you… perhaps the real you.
Maybe you want to stop eating sugar. Stop listening to friends advice that makes for self-doubt and despair. Why not do the things you want to do and love doing!
Change can do this but it means taking responsibility for your actions.
Owning your choices to improve.
Committed to doing better in your life.
No one else can do this for you except you. So go ahead and pick yourself for change. Do what you want to do!
Move to Fiji. Find work you love. Clean up your relationships. Take dancing lessons. Do it! Recreate – disrupt – rip apart – organize – share – cut loose – question – reset – act – but own the results. They are yours.
Set reasonable limits or goals and take one doable step for change at a time that works for you. Give away that bag of sugar and drink your coffee or tea without two teaspoons of sugar.
Call change “a new approach”. New strategy – plan – tactic – as long as it works for you because no one can tell you how to be; how to change; how to live your life except you.
Change is available to you now. Ready for you at any time. You don’t need to wait for it to happen.
Make a happening choice for change.
Please Note: Change is not easy and it is not always fun. (But it can be.) Change makes you vulnerable and open to doubts and fears but, you are resilient and capable of change because you know you’ll be happier than you are right now without change. You might get change right, on your first try. Good or bad – right or wrong – you’ll figure it out. Trust yourself.
Embrace change. Love it and help it win. It’s your will and willingness to change that will make change work.
Then you can feel – “I am change. I’m proud of my desire and work to change and the positive, solid, good results I’m getting.”
Thanks – Michael
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I’m sure you’ll also like this post – There’s Only ONE Reason To Change.