You and the Work You Do

by Michael Feeley
Whatever work you do, do the best job you can. Do it with all your heart and every skill you own.
Your work has value to you and other people. Know what that value is.
You are not always defined by the work you do. You are a person first with hopes, needs, and dreams.
Once, I cleaned apartments to earn money so I could live in New York City and audition to become the actor and singer I had dreamed of being for years.
Cleaning was my work to support myself, and I did it well. Acting was the essence of me, my truth, and the work I loved and was proud of.
Jobs have reasons, and they come and go. Work is a part of your life, but it is not all you are.
How do you describe the work you do?
How does the work you do define you?
Why do you do the work you do?
Where are you proud of the work you do?
What is the work you are proudest of in your entire life?
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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This also matters – How Do You Want to Live at Work?