
by Michael Feeley
I believe there’s a job for everyone. That we each have the ability to find work and to earn a living.
No one owes you a living. It takes work to find work.
- What are you willing to do to get work?
- What is your value?
There are things you love doing. You have experience. Knowledge and skills about all kinds of things. These are your assets to use and promote looking for work.
For me – hard work and the desire to do an excellent job got me noticed and hired. Mowing lawns, waiting tables, putting together boat lights, cleaning apartments, singing, answering phones. I lived on a tight budget. From pay day to pay day. Working to make ends meet. I’d walk everywhere to save money instead of riding the bus or taking the subway. Once I couldn’t pay my rent and I was so scared and ashamed but I found my way. I had hope and faith in my abilities.
I care about my work. I’m reliable. Confident. Loyal. Positive. Enthusiastic. Organized. Creative. I show up and do my very best. I keep my promises. These are some of my assets and attitude that people saw and valued and still see and pay me for.
No one ever stopped me from working hard and getting ahead. No one ever stopped me from building trust and integrity.
I took responsibility for my work, my happiness and my success.
Plan to do a great job and then do it. Be persistent and consistent. Be generous.
Treat other people with respect.
Help other people.
Be grateful for the work people give you because your gratitude will encourage more opportunities.
Thanks – Michael
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