Words Can Change You

by Michael Feeley
WRITTEN AND SPOKEN words create change.
I write and publish Daily. I’ve been doing this consistently for four years. It’s a positive, joyful opportunity for me to express myself and be clear about what I think and know – to keep my coaching skills solid and ready to go so I can help improve the lives of others.
I coach leaders – speaking with people about their lives, careers, ambitions, hopes, fears, and innovations. I’m creating change. Helping people discover ideas and possibilities, building confidence and self-worth, personal integrity, gratitude+++
I try never to miss a chance to coach and improve life; my Daily writings hold that purpose.
I recently received this beautiful message from a reader of my work and was swept with emotions. Tears of gratitude filled my eyes:
“Again, great posts on leadership.
All the ideas you bring up have helped me at my job in the paper factory.”
These words are the reason for my work as a coach. They are the real payoff – the gold of helping people to lead, to see themselves and their work in a new and empowering way. This is humanity talking.
I imagine other leaders identifying with these words and emotions:
“… all the ideas you bring up have helped me as the CEO of L’Oréal.”
“… have helped me as the HR Director of BlackRock Financial. “
“ … to create as the Chief Experience Officer at my Naples Hotel.”
“… help me as the conductor of the Boston Symphony Orchestra.”
“… as an Emmy Award-winning TV personality and coach in Chicago.”
“… President of Christie’s International Real Estate in Florida.
“… Taekwondo & Ananda Yoga instructor in California.”
“… coach, astrologer, psychotherapist in Germany.”
“… MBA student at the Sorbonne in Paris.”
“… potter and community builder in Pennsylvania.”
It’s something we each can strive for – that our words and actions have a good effect on others – a human being to a human being – me with you.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
Please share this Daily with your tribes.
This is also important – Business and Humanity.