Why Wait? Do it NOW.

by Michael Feeley
‘I’ll play music later at lunch.’
Why wait? Do it now.
‘Next Sunday, I’ll get fresh croissants, some great cheeses, butter, and jams, wine.’
Why postpone pleasure when you can experience it right away – NOW?
If you want a new job, make a plan and start now to update your resume and research companies and people
you want to work with.
Don’t miss opportunities that can vanish and never happen, and then… not… do… what you want.
Fill in your time with your needs – be satisfied – joyful – happy.
Time doesn’t wait for you, so please don’t waste it.
> Now is a choice.
> Delaying is a choice.
> Doing nothing is a choice.
> Taking action is a choice.
> Living life now – out loud – big – playing full out – is a choice.
What do you think?
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
Please share my Daily now. Why wait?
This is important too – Feeling Good Has Facts.