Why Not Be A Kind and Useful Critic?

by Michael Feeley
We are all critics.
Giving opinions about ourselves, other people, things and the world.
Do you hope to be useful and kind when you criticize? Bringing out the best in someone or something with your assessments or to disparage?
A critic tells us what is good, bad and mediocre. It doesn’t mean she’s right. It’s a personal, world view choice based on how someone sees a specific work or genre or what the market wants.
Three kinds of critics:
1. A good critic has a good hope that something will succeed. Offering both honest praise and details where change is needed. There’s a positive, compassionate desire to be just; promoting growth and confidence so that person or object will be
all it deserves to be. Good will is present.
2. A bad critic has ill will. Attacks. Goes at something with little constructive purpose for growth. The intent is selfish and narrow. Tearing down, shaming, controlling.
3. Your own resistance – the inner force (a heckling voice) that lets you know, ‘you’re just not worth it.’
Focused on failure. Derailing you from trusting your self. Resistance is against creativity and giving.
Let us hope that we’re proud of how we criticize.
That we give generous, useful and kind feedback.
Making for positive change and respect.
Thanks – Michael
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See how this feels to you – Victim of Hero… Which Are You?