Why Do Some Words Matter to You?

by Michael Feeley
We read and hear words from other people, and the messages stick to us. They describe our lives, relationships, work, connections, beliefs, values+++. They matter in some profound and memorable way, and we carry them with us for a long time.
One idea I treasure is from best‐selling author and leadership development architect Susan Scott. It’s from her vital and awe-inspiring book – Fierce Leadership.
“Your company could have the most solid foundation and the most sturdy structure, but if it is freezing inside, no one will want to come over for dinner.”
This principle matters to me because I worked for 20 years as a headhunter in New York City, helping companies fill jobs. Many businesses were established and prosperous but were “freezing inside.” They didn’t care for the people who worked for them. They didn’t respect labor or the creativity and skills that every human being brings to their job. They employed people without gratitude and empathy.
Some businesses were revolving doors, with regular turnover and the loss of talented people. Some went out of business because people were treated as commodities.
The wise companies asked why this was happening and how they could change and do better for the gifted people they hired. When they got the answers, they created change, and they continue to learn, grow and value the precious, expert people they work with, whether remotely from home or back in the office. Dignity for labor is crucial.
What words matter to you?
What quotation do you carry with you and why?
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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This is also important – Why Not Do Work You Love – 15 Quotes.