Why Do It?

by Michael Feeley
If something doesn’t bring out the best in you, why do it?
Sure, there are things you ‘have to do’ that you may not like. However, you can change your mindset and find a way to complete a task or chore by finding one thing in that awful activity for which you are grateful. It will create positive energy and help you get through the work with greater ease so you can do the things you like and love, which also have gratitude.
Yesterday, I had to leaf the bottom of my pool. It’s not my favorite job because I can’t always catch the leaves I aim for with my deep net and pole, and it also stirs up the junk resting on the bottom. However, I know the pool looks beautiful when I do this, and it is a greater pleasure to swim in. Also, it’s good exercise. See the three points of gratitude that are in this job?
You can also hire someone to do these chores, and then you will be grateful and free to do what brings out the best in you.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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