Who Made a Difference in Your Life?

by Michael Feeley
WHO IS ONE person who made a difference for you in your life?
Who had a good effect on you – a parent, teacher, friend, or stranger?
What did they do for you that you’re grateful for today?
I think of Sally Ann Walsh, my speech teacher and drama coach from grade six through high school.
Several years later, when I was acting at the Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C., she was able to see me working as a professional actor. It meant the world to me that I could show her what I had achieved and thank her for the massive influence she had on me as an actor and singer.
She also cared about my insides. She did a lot to help me when I was bullied at school and silently struggled with
knowing myself and figuring out how I wanted to live my life.
She has passed away. I love her for the tremendous lasting effect she has on me. I think of her every day.
Thank you, Sally, for your goodwill – deep heartfelt empathy.
Who comes to mind for you?
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
Please share my Daily and remember people who made your life btter.
This is valuable too – Why Not Be A Kind and Useful Critic?
#881 (This photo is not Sally Ann Walsh but the joyful spirit reminds me of her.)