What’s Your Restorative Daily Practice?

by Michael Feeley
THERE ARE CHALLENGES we live with daily – Covid – racial conflicts – financial concerns – work – freedom – dominance in the world – self-worth.
It’s imperative to have a restorative practice to keep yourself healthy in mind and body—something you do each day that enables you to relax, be happy, to play, and have some well-deserved peace and bliss.
Maybe meditation, yoga, exercise, spending quality time with family and friends, reading, connecting with nature, cooking, naps and getting 8 hours of sleep a night, turning off technology, teaching, being creative+++
Here’s a fun suggestion I do in my kitchen each morning as I prepare breakfast. See if it has any restorative benefits for you.
Don’t judge yourself or be concerned what other people think. Include your loved ones. Utterly enjoy. Be free. Let loose.
Have FUN!
Do It Right NOW!
1. Pick your favorite piece of Music.
2. Play that Music on your record player, CD player, virtual assistant Alexa, iTunes.
3. Let the Music get into you and Dance to the Music.
4. Play it again and again and again; repeat it as many times as you like until you feel Fantastic!
Indian Summer – by trumpet player Chris Botti is my dance music choice.
What’s yours?
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
Please share my Daily with your restorative tribes.
I think you’ll also click with this – You’ve Got To Love Your Self.