What’s Your Opinion of Yourself?

by Michael Feeley
Self-belief – Belief in yourself. Where does your confidence come from?
Start with the facts about you. List them all.
Where are you remarkable? Where are you okay? Where can you do better, and what should you avoid?
What skills do you have that you and others value – abilities, gifts, attitudes, life experience, credentials, training, expertise?
What core values do you live by?
Why do others respect and count on you?
What do you have and do that no one can ever take away from you?
Where are you unshakeable, unflappable?
Perhaps you’re tops with customer service.
Hands down, you are a creative problem solver.
You’re highly organized.
You’re reliable. You show up and follow through.
You’re outstanding in a crisis.
You’re a fast learner.
You care about people.
One of the most essential things in life is your healthy, truthful opinion of yourself.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
P.S. I know I’m stacking questions but I’m doing it on purpose because… one question may standout, connect with you and open a door you’ve been hoping for.
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This is also important – Live By the Truth.