What Stops Your Work?

by Michael Feeley
What prevents you from doing your work?
There is one answer – Resistance – your inside critic – the lizard brain – your inner bully – the narrow self – gremlin – that will do anything (any thing) not to have you sit down and do your work.
Busyness is resistance.
Complacency is resistance.
Laziness is resistance.
An endless list of things to do is resistance.
Excuses are resistance.
Delaying and putting off is resistance.
Playing small is resistance.
Self-discrimination is resistance.
Not creating a daily practice to produce your work is resistance.
Surfing the internet and constantly checking your connections/followers/likes on social media is resistance, which stops you from creating and doing the critical, valuable, heartfelt things you were born to do here on earth.
You’re a painter who puts off painting. A writer who doesn’t write or publish, a real estate agent who doesn’t like to show properties, a solopreneur who doesn’t take action to launch and build a robust business and succeed at what you love.
Not helping or caring about other people is resistance.
Take your first action step and face resistance. Don’t let resistance defeat you, sell yourself out, or destroy your dreams. You’re stronger and smarter than that.
Take Resistance seriously. Understand Resistance. It hates that because knowing lets you take away its power.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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This is also crtical – Gremlin Talk.