What Results Does Your Work Get?

by Michael Feeley
Every day we each do work to make a living, be expressed, and be of service to people.
We do our work and learn if it is worth it or not.
What results does your work get?
How can you change the work you’re doing and make something better?
If you stop doing work that is not working, it’s not a waste, no matter how much time or money you put into it.
Nothing is a waste. All of your work is a learning experience because you’re seeing how you can improve and better serve the people you were born to serve—inventing what they want. Being generous and giving your work to people.
Teaching yoga, creating daily lunch specials, delivering packages, balancing your books, giving a holiday gift to thank someone for their help. “Here – This is for you.”
That is the wonder and profound pleasure of doing hard, deliberate, creative work.
Maya Angelo is right – “Nothing will work unless you do.”
Thanks – Michael
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