What Kind of Service Do You Offer?

by Michael Feeley
WILL YOU GIVE complete service with a happy solution or unfinished, spotty service that doesn’t help?
The journey of service has a beginning and an end. Some things end exceptionally well, and others…
Good service requires commitment – a desire to help that comes from caring and the hope to solve a problem fully.
I was born to serve. I simply needed to decide what level of service. Top-notch+ works for me.
I wrote to a company about a reimbursement due me and sent the proper paperwork. They did not answer, so I wrote again, and they replied that they had received it and would keep it in my file, but to receive the refund, I should write to XYZ company. I instantly replied that I needed their email address. No answer. It has been two days.
The hospitality mind and heart-set is a choice, something you can practice and become good at, if you want.
You can be good at drop-the-ball service, or hit-it-out-of-the-park service.
There’s the ‘I don’t care much’ or ‘I’m with you till we get this solved.’
Dead-end service, or you’re cruisin’!
Top service creates gratitude and inspiration, and care-less service creates frustration and anger.
What makes for the right customer service?
How will people talk about the service they get from you?
Thanks – Michael (he. him)
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This also matters – Service Matters or It Doesn’t.