What Is the Truth About You?

by Michael Feeley
No one but you knows the truth about you. What it means for you to be true to yourself.
People can teach and suggest things but only you know who you are.
You live inside your skin. Your mind – heart – body – soul – tells you the truth about yourself and then you choose to live your truth. Live your life your way. Entirely you and that means pulling together all aspects of yourself into one place – YOU. Not a few here and there and leaving some things out. That is not integrity. That’s incompleteness and it’s OK to be there because maybe you’re filling yourself in. On the way to being wholly you. Man, woman, father, daughter, husband, wife, gay, straight, writer, artist, CEO, dentist, baker, entrepreneur, mechanic, thought leader, creative+++
There’s a reason for these words – “The truth. The whole truth and nothing but the truth…”
Integrity is being one way in all ways about your life. Not forcing yourself to be what you are not but following the central line and core values of you. Your gut telling you – “This is who I am.”
Being yourself may mean stepping away from culture – social mores – the status quo – what’s seen as normal or accepted but I think if you do that, to truly know who you are, you’ll find real culture and community and happiness as you live being your self.
I am still searching for my true self. It’s a lifelong wondrous voyage. I know some solid and honorable facts already about
who I am. And, I’m always asking:
- Who is the real me?
- What do I want and why?
- How do I want to live?
- How do I want to treat other people?
As I live and act on living my truth – scientifically – emotionally – practically – honest – I feel good! Oh Sooooo GOOD!
That’s the science and magic of truth. Call it your magnificence.
Thanks – Michael
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This might also inspire your choices – Being True to Yourself Means What?