What is Justice to You?

by Michael Feeley
WHAT DOES IT mean to be just to someone or something?
I think showing respect, equity, fair behavior, and treatment.
It includes genuine care for people and other living beings – learning and teaching – arts and science – the work you do –
the people you connect with – family and friends – and yourself.
Often we overlook the essential choice and need to show respect to ourselves – justice and pride for our lives and daily work.
Consistently I ask myself and take action on this question:
What does another human being deserve from me?
Racial justice is essential to me!
Here is one definition of Racial Justice by Hella Social Impact that gets it right, encouraging us all to see and learn and make the best choices for justice:
“The systemic fair treatment of people of all races, resulting in equitable opportunities and outcomes for all. Racial justice – racial equity – goes beyond “anti-racism.” It is not just the absence of discrimination and inequities but also the presence of deliberate systems and supports to achieve and sustain racial equity through proactive and preventative measures. Operationalizing racial justice means reimaging and co-creating a just and liberated world.”
> How sensible and kind is that?
> How natural is racial justice when you see these words and think about how you choose to live your life in the world today?
As a hateful, contemptuous, discriminating person or as a loving, respectful, equitable human being?
We return to your personal and real choice and commitment to justice.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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I also want you to see this – Inclusion or Exclusion.