What Does Caring Cost?

by Michael Feeley
What do you care about?
It could be a question asked in a job interview.
Whatever you answer, relate it to your work and the job you’re applying for.
I care for people, offering expert customer service by answering their questions and solving their problems. Connecting with me on the phone, by email, or in person is a prime opportunity to build trust and loyalty with others. With positive results, I’m confident that happy people (customers) will tell their friends, and business will grow because they feel heard and respected.
I care about the company I work at.
I care about the people I work with.
I care to do my best work every day and to give more than is expected.
Caring is a profitable investment.
What does caring cost you?
Test caring and find out. Maybe you won’t need to spend more money on marketing ads, and you can invest more in caring customer service.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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This matters too – What Kind of Service Do You Offer?