What Do You Want and Why?

by Michael Feeley
IT’S A VITAL QUESTION for your happiness and success.
You have burning dreams – ambitions – goals – aspirations.
Generalities don’t work.
It’s sloppy and unkind for you not to understand yourself and your desires and to get exactly what you want.
You’ll need to be crystal clear about your wants, and that’s why the ‘WHY’ is so important to focus on – to get to the core – the truth – the reality of your needs.
After all – This Is Your Life. You get one shot at doing it right – to live your best life.
You might say – “I want to be rich.”
OK – How rich and why? (Follow the logic and the emotion.)
“I want to have 5 million dollars.”
“I’d quit my job and not have to work.”
“Because then I could do what I want?”
“My dream is to be a writer. That’s all I ever wanted to do.”
“That’s how I express myself when I’m most myself. I want people to know me and love my work.”
“I have something to say to help people live good lives.”
See what I mean about following – The WHY Thread – powering down into the center of specific reasons, details, and facts.
Knowing precisely what you want and why makes for profound freedom and sets you up to build an achievable plan
to succeed at getting what you yearn for in life.
Then you can get down to work.
Put the doing into your dream.
Put your heart and guts into your self and worth.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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