What Do You Leave Around and Behind?

by Michael Feeley
THROUGHOUT YOUR DAY, you’re doing things, and you leave some of those things around and behind. You leave your presence, attitude, reputation, and work projects around and behind.
Some of what you produce is complete, and some is not. It all has value and hopefully also has a good effect on you and others.
Here are two photos.
The first is an Agapanthus blossom in full bloom, and the second is the seedpod left around and behind after blooming.
It’s still an Agapanthus—the same and different. Change happened. Both are beautiful to me. Both have a good effect on me.
Don’t underestimate what you leave around and behind, how it changes and affects others, whether it’s finished or not.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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See what this means to you – What’s a Good Effect?