What Do You Count On?

by Michael Feeley
WE COUNT ON things and people all the time – our entire lives.
Products – companies – services – the sun rising, giving us warmth, light, energy – living in a safe place – having food to eat, fresh water to drink – electricity – pens and paper – windows and doors – clothes – cars – gasoline – holidays – doctors – our bodies, minds, and all our senses working well – a job to make money to live – friends and family – affection, love +++
Count on has trust and gratitude built right into it, and often, what we rely on and expect, we take for granted, and they are our essential human needs.
What do you count on?
How can you make the things you count on count more?
How grateful should we each be to need other people and things – to need the outside world?
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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I think this also matters – What’s on Your Gratitude Playlist?