What Direction Will You Choose?

by Michael Feeley
EXCUSE ME – Can you give me directions?
Such a kind question. It calls to the best thing in us – our desire to help someone in need, looking to get somewhere, to a destination for a reason.
There is also – give me directions, tell me what to do.
Some people want to take orders, charged with doing a task, working 9-5 without much freedom, minimal responsibility, and
a limited desire to create. Nothing wrong with that but know… you have a choice.
Be brave, curious, explore, discover, create change, make a difference.
Comply, do as you’re told, head down, stay in line, no questions asked, settle for good enough.
Adventurer or follow the herd?
Go after your dreams or remain on hold?
What direction will you choose for your life?
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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I think you’ll see value here too – Two Kinds of People. Two Choices