We Want a Balanced Life

by Michael Feeley
THERE’S AN ART to cleaning a swimming pool – skimming the top surface and going deep to the bottom where leaves and debris rest – carefully vacuuming, scrubbing, checking levels of ph, total alkalinity, chlorine, calcium hardness. Once balanced, caring for a pool is easy and pleasurable.
It sounds like us as we strive to live a balanced life.
We all have a surface and depth – shallow and deep possibilities.
We are both public and private.
We’re contained and fluid – sometimes overflowing and also resistant.
Some people love to dive right into a pool, breaking the tension of the water, splashing and stirring things up, making waves, aggressively swimming laps, and others slowly walk in testing the water, touching the bottom, holding the edge of the pool for trust and security.
We are each filled with pools of emotions. Some clear and some murky and unknown. Sometimes we feel we’re sinking,
just keeping our heads above water, and other times we’re thrilled to float, relax, reflect, and be renewed in clean, clear water.
We are related and connected to everything in the world, and we can learn from anything about ourselves…
even a swimming pool.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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I think you’ll also like this – True Balance.
#644 (Swimming pool photo by Cece Schweitzer)