We have Baggage

by Michael Feeley
I’m talking about emotional baggage we lug around inside us – past experiences, attitudes, fears, questions that hold us back from being fully happy and free.
We don’t always know how our worldview limits us, and then again, we know exactly what blocks us and needs to change.
It takes courage, commitment, and work to know your self.
It’s also exciting and liberating studying how you see the world, looking at the choices you’ve made, and beliefs you have about money, commitment, love, success, marriage, home, men, women, different cultures, freedom, knowledge, sex, work, food, beauty, happiness +++
You may want help carrying and unpacking your questions; studying how you see the world, people, and things, and that’s where coaching, therapy, mentoring, and friends can be useful. Sometimes just talking about what you feel, letting things out, can create the change you desire and need.
Knowing who you are is a lifelong journey, and the great kindness you can have for yourself is to love your questions –
see them as knowledge.
You’re a magnificent learning opportunity!
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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I think you’ll also get this – Being Known.