Vocational + Real Skills

by Michael Feeley
AS A CAREER COACH, I talk with people about two kinds of skills – vocational skills such as accounting, web design, book editing, carpentry, cooking, hotel management, and what Seth Godin aptly calls real skills – human skills such as empathy, caring service, charisma, generosity, creativity, going beyond what’s expected, deep listening, finding solutions, patience, loyalty, relentlessness, honesty, forgiving, understanding. Everything that will help your work grow, and your employees or team do much better.
We often don’t think or care enough about real skills – training or inspiring others to work on them. They are harder to measure and hire by than vocational skills.
We usually learn real skills by accident or by observing people around us, like parents, our partner, friends, bosses, and places we buy things from.
Real skills can be learned and should be practiced and not left at your workplace door.
Real skills are deep, good choices you make. They are attitudes, and attitudes can be practiced.
You can be cold, or you can be kind.
You can be angry, or you can be grateful.
You can be tight, or you can be generous.
See the choice – the attitude you can live with and show to other people?
What do you think will happen at work and to your ‘self’ when you consciously combine vocational and real human skills?
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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This is also to inspire you – Talent – Skills – Practice.