Victory Gardens and Convenience

by Michael Feeley
HERE’S A VICTORY garden in my backyard. I grow vegetables for my convenience – tomatoes (cherry and larger varieties) – potatoes – zucchini – lettuce – strawberries.
I go right out back and pick what I need, and often, there is so much… I can give to my neighbor.
It takes work and dedication – weeding – watering – pruning – making sure insects and animals don’t get at the plants and produce – washing and cleaning the vegetables, and then the delicious results.
I like the challenge and work. The things I grow have great meaning for me.
I’m always moved turning over the soil with a pitchfork and seeing fresh yellow potatoes appear.
Watching a green tomato ripen red or yellow.
Rinsing off crispy green and dark red lettuce for lunch.
Eating a fresh strawberry right off the morning vine.
I love being around and checking on my garden every day. Some say I’m a slave to the plants. I don’t see it that way.
It’s my individual choice and tremendous pleasure to be of service to the earth.
I’m helping the environment and being healthy. (I also save money.)
Sure – It’s more convenient to drive to the grocery store and buy already prepared potatoes, but I’m proud of my labor –
the thought and effort I give matters. Call it love and respect for nature.
The same is true about the flowers and bushes surrounding the vegetable garden – roses – butterfly bushes – ornamental grasses – hydrangeas – lavender – iris – cherry trees – marigolds – morning glory vines.
I’m right in the fields of nature, which feels good because this is who I AM. The garden is an extension and expression of ME.
I’ve learned so much about myself and the world gardening over the past 60 years. It’s healthy living.
My gratitude is immense to have a precious piece of earth to grow things on – a privilege to care for the climate and
life of nature.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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#919 (Yes. This is a photo of my victory garden.)