Try and Learn Something New

by Michael Feeley
For the past three weeks, I’ve been learning about swimming pools, how they work, and how to care for them.
I’ve been reading manuals and watching YouTube videos on variable-speed pumps, auto-pilot pool chlorinators, ways to test water clarity and balancing, cleaning filters, and maintaining the pool’s surface above and below water and especially with a focus on climate change.
It’s been challenging, but it’s good for me to learn. It made me realize that learning new things is an opportunity for people of any age, especially for mature adults and sages.
Challenge yourself to learn something new. It might happen in one day or over a few weeks, but commit to learning something new.
Here I am, 72, a Vintage Pool Boy. It’s not back-breaking work but rather relaxing, meditative, highly satisfying when the pool shines right to the bottom, and good exercise. You get to be your own boss, too.
You can even set up a business and help others with their pools and spas, especially if you are reliable and come through solving problems for people with pools and maintaining something that gives people pleasure.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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This also matters – Unlimited Learning.