Truth and Honesty are Irresistible

by Michael Feeley
We’re our best and harshest critics, and you know in your own heart if you’re doing a good job or not.
You know if you’re ethical and fair. You know your truth.
Truth and honesty are irresistible. They’re magnets for attracting good people into your life and growing business.
Sometimes you fail, and things don’t work out as you plan, but that’s a gift! (No matter how badly wrapped it is).
Failure is a learning experience. It’s a time to reconsider, make new and better choices. To begin again.
Feeling sorry for yourself and unjust talk is the lazy slug way to lead. It’s poison. It leaves your life and work cold, and people stay away from cold.
Banish negativity and complaint forever and focus on the good.
Focus on every positive detail, every inspiring process, every empowering goal you have. Let nothing sidetrack you from the happiness and success you hope for and deserve.
Be an ethical laser beam in life and work.
Be alluring. Unavoidable.
You create your image, your good name, and an ambiance of excellence and enjoyment that gives people something positive to talk about and draws them right to you and has them feel — “Ahhhhh! Finally, someone does it right. I have someone I trust. Someone reliable and good whom I love working with.”
Thanks- Michael
Please send this post off to your cohorts to promote justice and positive, healthy choices.
I think you’ll like this too – Your Integrity.
#408 (photo – The Pantheon Dome – Rome, Italy)