
by Michael Feeley
WHERE DO YOU feel trust in your life?
The emotional attitude and choice for truth, consistency, confidence, compassion, connection, honesty, and the deep need to come through by keeping your word and trusting other people to do the same in relationships, politics, faith, business+++
I trust and count on certain people and things to be there for me with wisdom, kindness, commitment, and help when needed at any time.
I have trust in my marriage, with a few good friends, in work I do as a life coach and real estate broker, and I trust my ‘self’ because I know things about who I Am. Some of my deep core values – what I will do and won’t do.
Trust for me is an emotional and logical choice that makes me feel safe, empowered, and relaxed all at once.
Trust has immense optimism, the feeling that things will be okay now or getting better in the future.
Trust is a fantastic partnership between myself and the outside world – world and self – self and world. Back and forth.
It’s a duality dance that helps me create the kind of self I’m happy to live with and hope to encourage in others.
Thanks – Michael
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See what this means to you – Confidence.