
by Michael Feeley
CONFIDENCE IS YOUR belief in your self. It’s sureness – positivity – often a creative inner force of self-awareness, spirit, and determination that you are in control. You Can Do.
Confidence comes from knowing yourself – both your strengths and weaknesses enabling you to say: This is who I AM.
Confidence is you being your ‘self.’ Living as you like without harming other people.
Confidence is certainty in your skills and knowledge that you will meet a challenge and get through it.
You can practice and build confidence like learning a language or how to cook. The more you do it, the more you’re capable and comfortable and prepared.
Confidence comes from the Latin word ‘fidere,’ which means ‘to trust’ – to trust yourself and to trust the world and
other people.
Courage is in confidence and self-esteem. It’s the opposite of self-doubt and enables you to face your fears.
Only you can own or undermine your confidence no matter how hard the world comes at you.
Confidence is your choice and commitment.
Thanks – Michael
Please share this post with your tribes and live with confidence.
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