
by Michael Feeley
AS A GARDENER, I’m frequently transplanting plants from a pot I bought at a garden center right into the earth of my garden at home.
I also dig up and transport bushes and plants to a better spot in the yard because they got bigger than I planned, and the sun, shade, and water work better for them in a new location.
I transplanted myself when I relocated to a Caribbean Island to live several years ago.
I see how we can transplant or shift our thoughts and actions – to change things in our lives, minds, hearts, and other people.
And then there is the scientific miracle of transplanting hearts, organs, and tissues so people can live stronger and better.
Transplanting has a lot going on in its meaning, filled with life, care, creativity, growth and gratitude.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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This also makes sense – Choices Change Lives.