The System and Strategy of Aging

by Michael Feeley
Aging is a system and a game. We are all in the system of aging from the moment we are conceived until reality says the time is up. Aging is unavoidable.
There’s a strategy to aging. It is a process of change, learning, and caring about ourselves and life around us: we learn from family, other people, school, jobs, and world events. We celebrate birthdays and live through all kinds of situations as we mature, good and bad.
We play the game of life with our choices as we work to live our best life today and tomorrow, right into the future.
The system and game of life and aging include caring for ourselves with the right emotions, exercise, food, shelter, and retirement plans (if you want). You may have pensions, medical benefits, and financial security to consider for the future. The game of life connects us all.
Understanding the strategy, system, game, and tactics for aging and living is something good.
If your present life strategy is not working well, you have the ability, the freedom, and the great gift to change and make better choices to live a happier and more meaningful life at any age.
Opportunities are all around for you to figure out what you want for your aging, precious life. That’s part of the beauty of playing the game of life with simple, clear, caring logic and emotion.
I see myself as vintage – one of a kind and getting better with age. Like a vintage well, cared for car that people marvel at, or a fine bottle of wine and champagne, a classic book (definitely a first edition), or a well-crafted, handmade item such as a leather bag, brooch, or watch that is not neglected but admired, respected, heirlooms handed on to others for years to come. All mature things with meaning. Sage items (which include people) who have stories and worth in the aging system.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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This also matters – Modern Elders Play.