The Real McCoy

by Michael Feeley
Elijah McCoy was an inventor. He was born in Canada in 1844. He is known for inventing the ironing board, a lawn sprinkler, and a lubricating device for locomotive steam engines. Other people copied his devices, but they never worked as well as the originals of Elijah McCoy, and that’s why people would say – “I want the real McCoy.”
You are the real McCoy—the original. The one and only and the work you do, the products and services you offer should be the best they can be so you too can have people say – “I want the real Feeley, the real Grover, the real Scheidler, the real Meagher, the real Ingkavet, real Mahoukou, real Sheybani, real Lipton, real Mahabir, real Hazelle…”
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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