The Desire to Know

by Michael Feeley
THE DESIRE TO KNOW is a deep choice.
It’s the desire to learn and understand someone or something. (Including yourself.)
We were all born to know. As children, we fervently went after knowing the world we were born into – curious, interested, learning, discovering, and exploring with our whole selves.
If you buy a dehumidifier, it helps to read the instructions to know how it works.
The same is true for wanting to know another person.
You ask questions to understand someone’s feelings, needs, and wants, even to learn their concerns, fears, hopes, and dreams.
Empathy is a choice.
Understanding is a choice.
Learning is a choice.
Knowing is a choice.
As you learn, you also create change for yourself and the other person.
To feel that someone wants to know you is profoundly gratifying. It’s what we all hope for most – to be known –
cared enough about that somebody will take the time to know Y – O – U. Know who you are to your Self.
It’s honorable and challenging work to know. One of our deepest desires.
Go after it. Practice knowing. Renew your innate desire to know. Let it run you.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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I have this for you too – Live Your Life.