The Circle of Doing Work that Matters

by Michael Feeley
There is a circle (an endless circular motion) when you do work that matters.
You can decide to do work that matters for yourself.
You can also begin to do work that matters to other people.
Or you can make up your mind to do work that matters to the world.
They are individual and connected choices because the work you do for yourself affects others.
The work you do for others affects you and the world.
The same is true when working for the world because that affects us individually and collectively.
You might want to improve education, climate change, recycling, health benefits, retirement processes, financial planning, ensuring all people have fresh water, food, and electricity, or teaching yoga to mature people for flexibility and strength. The work can benefit you, other people, and the world.
It’s exciting and empowering to see the circle of doing work that matters and to know that all your choices are related and have effects and consequences.
It’s a very connected world doing work that matters.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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This is important too – Simple Works.