Thank You – No Thank You

by Michael Feeley
OFTEN WE HELP people by answering questions, making suggestions, connecting them with other people, doing research, hoping to make a difference with understanding and good service.
But, sometimes, people don’t thank us for our work.
What stops a person from taking the time to say – Thank You?
Even – No Thank You – works.
It’s a choice.
Politeness is a choice.
Kindness is a choice.
Dismissal is a choice.
Rudeness is a choice.
– No thanks happens when we live with less direct communication and collaboration.
– Technical automation replaces a real person and their feelings.
– The daily amount of emails coming in and out of our lives overwhelms.
– Recordings keeping us on hold, telling us to push buttons to reach an agent.
– The internet speed and amount of information coming at us encourages thoughtlessness, disrespect and selfishness.
The result is neglect – forgetting to say Thank You – or – No Thank You.
Thank You = Two words. One second of time and caring.
What encourages you not to say thank you?
Why do some people expect service without thanks?
Silent thanks isn’t valuable to anyone.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
Please share this Daily with your tribes.
This also will encourage thanks – Make Time for Gratitude and Love.